Blog posts tagged in funny animal pics

We love a good interspecies romance. It proves that animal magnetism doesn't discriminate. And love conquers all.

Here are 9 adorable couples that melt our hearts:

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Sometimes the political landscape can get depressing, which is why it's refreshing when a lighthearted, novelty candidate comes along. While some might say Donald Trump fits that bill, others might be craving a kinder, gentler option. And who gives us that kind of warm-fuzzy better than our household pets?

Here are 9 animals that tried to change the world by running for public office.

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We don't know what it is about watching cute animals getting the bejesus scared out of them, but one thing's's absolutely hilarious. Whether it's a mouse running from a cat or an elephant from a mouse, it makes us giddy to watch. Here are 11 of our fav moments.

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Are you a freak for ferrets? If so, it's just a hop-skip to suit up your weasly wunderkinds in fabulous ferret fashion!

In fact, we love the looks so much that we couldn't stick to just 10 of our faves – our Best Dressed List goes to 11!

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Glasses are a distinct fashion statement, especially when worn by these 11 cute pets:

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Letterman might have had his stupid pet tricks, but the granddaddy of all late night humor, Saturday Night Live, has had many hilarious pet-centric sketches. Here are seven of our favorites:

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We all know that many celebs change their names for various reasons – whether it's a creative choice, or something more practical like their given name is already registered with the Screen Actor's Guild, or they want to distinguish themselves from their famous family (ehem Nic Cage...UH, COPPOLA). But sometimes their name choices sound like they'd be better suited for pets rather than for themselves.

Here are 11 celebrities who should hand over their stage names now.

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For hundreds of years, we have been blaming rats for the Bubonic Plague, the disease that nearly eradicated the human race during the Middle Ages.

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We've all had those mornings where no amount of product or brushing can fix the limp mop on the top of your head. If it makes you feel any better, your pets can have bad hair days, too!

Here are 11 animals suffering through the worst bad fur days:

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Everyone needs a little pick me up now and again, and when a cuddly creature delivers that little push, it feels that much better. Here are our 9 favorite animal affirmations that'll make you feel all warm 'n fuzzy:

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We thought human beings were the only animals capable of total dickery. These animal d-bags proved us wrong.

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It might sound a little strange, but we've discovered 9 seal traits that prove they're the dogs of the deep.

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Going off to college is hard, especially when you're forced to leave behind those you love the most. We're referring to your pets, obviously. But why wait until Thanksgiving to see those big, soulful eyes again? Just hide your dog or cat in your dorm! Here are some how-to tips:

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The existence of islands populated entirely by animals seems like something out of a storybook. (Animal Farm ring a bell, anyone?) But there are actually some real places where animals rule.

Here are 9 locales that have been completely overrun by wild animals:

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Now that the snow is finally melting, dogs all over the country are running to the nearest mud puddle for a long-awaited chance to splash, frolic, and roll in that liquid dirt.

Here are 13 dogs that just had the time of their lives rolling around in the mud:

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While cats and dogs may be the favorite family pets in Western cultures, other animals reign supreme in the rest of the world. Just because they're scaly or unusual doesn't mean they're any less loved!

Here are 7 popular pets around the world:

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Tired of not being able to take your dog out to eat because the Board of Health claims it's unsanitary? Before you look into buying a knock-off "Service Dog" vest for your favorite dining companion, check out these dog-friendly restaurants:

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For the Irish, St. Patrick's Day is a chance to celebrate the heritage of a wonderful country. For everyone else, it's really the only time it's acceptable to vomit in the middle of the street!

These pets can't wait for the greatest day of the year!

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For a playful animal, there's nothing worse than not being able to run, jump, and frolic. These pictures prove that with the right equipment, impaired pets can move around with the best of them!

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