Pet Freak

Pet Freak

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You're only interested in the finer things in life. You're the kind of person that wears designer brands and never uses the same handbag twice. If you wouldn't be caught dead inside a Wal-Mart, what are the chances your pet has some those refined tastes too?

We've found 11 luxury items for you to lavish on your most important treasure—your pet!

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6 Hookup Apps for Hounds... and You!

Have you been using your phone to find true love? If it isn't working, you may be using the wrong app.

Everybody knows that the truest love of all is between a person and their pet! With smart phones, a canine connection is now only a swipe away.

Here are 6 apps that'll help you and your dog go mobile.

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Once you start spending a lot of time with cats, you'll notice that they have a lot of human qualities. They like their alone time, but they also love cuddling and playing. With proper training, they can even use the toilet!

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But some cats have taken the whole human routine a bit further by standing upright. They can even walk around! Pretty soon, they'll be learning to talk, and then taking over our government!

Here are 11 cats that are standing on their own two feet:

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If you were the kind of kid that got up at the crack of dawn on Saturdays to watch cartoons, you probably remember that anthropomorphic animals ruled the early morning airwaves.

These wisecracking creatures don't have to just be a childhood memory—tons of animated animals have real world counterparts!

Here are 11 cartoon critters and the animals that inspired them:

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When it comes to flaunting your pet love, there’s no such thing as “too much.” We’ve already shown you the greatest in Doggy Style and Cat LadyFashion, but now it’s time to take that pet obsession to the manicurist. 

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Opening in a secret location at the end of March, Annie the Owl is London’s first “owl café,” a place where patrons can enjoy a smoothie while hanging out with six live owls. 

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City people LOVE their dogs, but some pups aren’t meant to live in a concrete jungle. They’d rather be chasing squirrels in a big back yard than be cooped up in a little apartment. Luckily for urban dog lovers, some breeds actually thrive in small apartments and cities. 

Here are 11 breeds that prefer the town to the country: 

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We’ve been patiently awaiting George R.R. Martin’s next installment of his fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire, but that’s not the only worthy pursuit that’s been taking up his time. Martin made headlines last year when he ran a contest promising to award the three top donors to his charities their own custom death in his book series.

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Bob Barker and Adam Sandler recently reunited for A Night of Too Many Stars, an autism benefit airing on Comedy Central this Sunday, March 8th.

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There’s good news for people digging for reasons to bring their pet into the office. According to a study out of Central Michigan University, team members who worked in the presence of a dog reported that they became better collaborators! 

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We know a ton of celebrities who are freaks for their pets. But what about those A-listers who don’t fly their pet freak flag? We did some sniffing around and matched some of Hollywood’s biggest talents with what we think would be ideal canine companions.

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In the world of Harry Potter, every wizard has a Patronus—a magical creature that will protect them in their time of need. We couldn’t help but wonder, what kind of Patronus would our favorite celebrities have? 

Here are 9 celebrities matched with their animals Patronus:

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Sure, everyone dreams of being an eccentric billionaire with a menagerie of exotic animals. But in reality, it’s not safe or humane to keep exotic animals cooped up in a house. Just ask Melanie Griffith about those pet lions.

If you’re still hankering for a wild best friend, we’ve found some alternative pets to keep you company.

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Did you know that there is a magical fox sanctuary nestled in the mountains of Japan? 

The Zao Fox Village, a haven for more than 100 free roaming foxes, is a 3-hour bullet-train ride away from Tokyo.

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The latest craze in pet obsession is here! Cuddle Clones are customized (and expensive) plush replicas of your furry best friend.

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On March 1st, this great country celebrated National Pig Day. The holiday is mostly observed in the Midwest with “pig parties” where revelers tie pink curly tails to trees, and sip pink piggy punch. 

If you couldn’t make it to this year’s big pig parade, don’t panic. We’ve found 13 perfect pigs for you to ogle over so you can participate in National Pig Day right at your desk. 

Here are 13 pigs we’re hog-wild about: 

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A recent announcement from the small Sicilian town of Mascalucia has offered a solution to Italy’s notorious stray animal problem: tax breaks for dog adoption.

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How many times has a cute creature kept you from changing channels during a commercial? It is a proven fact that pet lovers will be 1,000 times more likely to be interested in an ad that features an adorable animal. (Someone should tell Don Draper.) 

Here are 9 of our favorite all-time animal ad-men and women.

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By now, the Single Cat Lady trope has been played out, right? WRONG. Just when you thought it was safe to tell your co-workers that you were looking forward to spending the weekend home with your kitties, a new product comes out that invites a whole new wave of ridicule.

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The title “Man’s Best Friend” is usually reserved for dogs, but that doesn’t mean they have the market cornered on service animals. Here are 9 other companions who are indispensable aids to their owners—no woofing required.

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