Blog posts tagged in funny pet pics

School is back in session for most of the country, but that doesn't mean your pets have to stay home alone. In fact, here are 11 pets that are psyched to go back with you!

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Everyone deserves a treat when they're out and about running errands—even your pet! Luckily, these 7 food chains offer secret menu items just for your pooch. Forget about Happy Meals... these are Puppy Meals!

Here's where you can score some tasty treats that are safe for your furry shopping companion:

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Dennis, a dieting dachshund, recently made headlines after he lost 44 pounds.

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Everyone needs a little pick me up now and again, and when a cuddly creature delivers that little push, it feels that much better. Here are our 9 favorite animal affirmations that'll make you feel all warm 'n fuzzy:

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We can give our canines boring and predictable names like Spot and Buddy. Or sometimes we take inspiration from pop culture and name them after TV characters and pop stars. Some people get really creative and name their furry friends things like Theophilis Thistle and Peanut Wigglebutt. But who's to say our pets don't have names for us, too?

Here are the 5 names our dogs would call us, if they could:

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Every dog is different. Every owner is, essentially, the same. They're all totally obsessed with their pets, and that obsession can manifest itself in funny ways.

Here are 7 weird things that every dog owner does, but will never admit to doing. It's okay, guys. This is a judgment-free zone.

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It might sound a little strange, but we've discovered 9 seal traits that prove they're the dogs of the deep.

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Good news, musically inclined cat freaks! Scientists have developed the purrfect music for cats. Cats have good hearing—even better than dogs—and that means that cats want to listen to high-frequency tunes that are incredibly annoying to human ears.

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For the Irish, St. Patrick's Day is a chance to celebrate the heritage of a wonderful country. For everyone else, it's really the only time it's acceptable to vomit in the middle of the street!

These pets can't wait for the greatest day of the year!

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Are those clouds in the sky? Thunder in the distance? You've been snowed in all winter and now that it's getting warmer... it's raining?! Don't let a wet day discourage you from going outside with your pet. They're feeling trapped, too!

RainyFinal 1

Image Source: Animalhi

Even if your pet isn't the type that likes to get his fur wet, there are plenty of rainy day ensembles that will keep him high and dry.

Here are 11 pets wearing their rainy day best:

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