Blog posts tagged in cute animal pics

Everyone loves a good western, including your pets! So saddle up to these 11 animals that may have watched Once Upon a Time in the West a few too many times.

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Everyone loves to play catch with their dog, but what happens when your pets take over the game? Gone are the days when pets are simply mascots.

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Did you know that domesticated skunks have actually been bred in captivity for over 60 years AND that in 17 states it's legal (if not a bit stinky), to own one?

Here are some things you should know if you're thinking about adopting one of these putrid, yet precious, pets:

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For hundreds of years, we have been blaming rats for the Bubonic Plague, the disease that nearly eradicated the human race during the Middle Ages.

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Three years ago, Tasuku and his pet French Bulldog, Muu, stole our hearts when images of their love went viral:

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We've all had those mornings where no amount of product or brushing can fix the limp mop on the top of your head. If it makes you feel any better, your pets can have bad hair days, too!

Here are 11 animals suffering through the worst bad fur days:

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Every dog is different. Every owner is, essentially, the same. They're all totally obsessed with their pets, and that obsession can manifest itself in funny ways.

Here are 7 weird things that every dog owner does, but will never admit to doing. It's okay, guys. This is a judgment-free zone.

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It might sound a little strange, but we've discovered 9 seal traits that prove they're the dogs of the deep.

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The existence of islands populated entirely by animals seems like something out of a storybook. (Animal Farm ring a bell, anyone?) But there are actually some real places where animals rule.

Here are 9 locales that have been completely overrun by wild animals:

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Now that the snow is finally melting, dogs all over the country are running to the nearest mud puddle for a long-awaited chance to splash, frolic, and roll in that liquid dirt.

Here are 13 dogs that just had the time of their lives rolling around in the mud:

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Eating dog food might sound like a punishment, but for a select few, it's a way of life. In light of recent pet food recalls, health conscious pet food companies have taken to hiring professional taste testers to ensure a quality standard.

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Good news, musically inclined cat freaks! Scientists have developed the purrfect music for cats. Cats have good hearing—even better than dogs—and that means that cats want to listen to high-frequency tunes that are incredibly annoying to human ears.

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For a playful animal, there's nothing worse than not being able to run, jump, and frolic. These pictures prove that with the right equipment, impaired pets can move around with the best of them!

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