Blog posts tagged in cute animals

Are those clouds in the sky? Thunder in the distance? You've been snowed in all winter and now that it's getting warmer... it's raining?! Don't let a wet day discourage you from going outside with your pet. They're feeling trapped, too!

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Image Source: Animalhi

Even if your pet isn't the type that likes to get his fur wet, there are plenty of rainy day ensembles that will keep him high and dry.

Here are 11 pets wearing their rainy day best:

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Once you start spending a lot of time with cats, you'll notice that they have a lot of human qualities. They like their alone time, but they also love cuddling and playing. With proper training, they can even use the toilet!

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Image Source:

But some cats have taken the whole human routine a bit further by standing upright. They can even walk around! Pretty soon, they'll be learning to talk, and then taking over our government!

Here are 11 cats that are standing on their own two feet:

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The latest craze in pet obsession is here! Cuddle Clones are customized (and expensive) plush replicas of your furry best friend.

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On March 1st, this great country celebrated National Pig Day. The holiday is mostly observed in the Midwest with “pig parties” where revelers tie pink curly tails to trees, and sip pink piggy punch. 

If you couldn’t make it to this year’s big pig parade, don’t panic. We’ve found 13 perfect pigs for you to ogle over so you can participate in National Pig Day right at your desk. 

Here are 13 pigs we’re hog-wild about: 

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A recent announcement from the small Sicilian town of Mascalucia has offered a solution to Italy’s notorious stray animal problem: tax breaks for dog adoption.

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How many times has a cute creature kept you from changing channels during a commercial? It is a proven fact that pet lovers will be 1,000 times more likely to be interested in an ad that features an adorable animal. (Someone should tell Don Draper.) 

Here are 9 of our favorite all-time animal ad-men and women.

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Final exams: the dread of every college student across America. As the final weeks of class wind down, stress inevitably builds at the thought of how much you’ll have to study so you can pass that biochemistry exam you need to fulfill a GenEd.

Luckily, schools across the country are finding a new way to help students de-stress and relax during finals week: Puppy Petting Stations!

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Are you a “cat person” but not a cat owner? Hey, we get it! Ownership entails responsibility, and not everybody has time to care for a pet. Or maybe you’ve been waiting for the right time (or the right furball)? Whatever your situation, there’s a feline phenomenon you need to know about: cat cafés.

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Are you engaging in some workday procrastination, looking at cute animals when you should be making spreadsheets? 

Maybe these 11 hardworking business pets will get you back on task and inspire you to be your most productive self. 

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Is winter OVER yet?  We feel as if our scarves are strangling us, dragging us further down into a snow covered depression. You know who else is yearning for summer?  These animals, who are remembering warmer, sunnier days. 

 Here are 11 pets who can’t wait for the best season of the year.

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Lots of pets enjoy playing Hide and Go Seek with their owners. Some critters never get tired of looking for their favorite toy or finding their disappearing human. There are some pets, however, that really excel at the whole “hiding” aspect of the game. 

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Do you still have your favorite childhood stuffed animal?  There’s a serious bond that happens between a child and their Teddy bear… or a puppy and his cuddle buddy.  For some reason, animals are twice as cute when they’re cozying up to a fabric friend. 

We’ve found 13 extra-adorable examples of baby animals snuggling with their stuffed animal besties.

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It’s almost Valentine’s Day and we can’t wait to dress our pets up in pink and red sweaters.  Is there anything more adorable than a pug wearing a jacket that says “I WOOF YOU?”  Of course there isn’t. 

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Tired of waiting for that cute guy/girl to ask you out? Did you recently go through a break-up? Who needs ‘em anyway!? Especially when there’s someone else who really gets you: your pet! Here are 9 ways to enjoy Valentine’s Day, date night, and any other "romantic" time with a snuggle buddy who will never betray you.

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It all began a long time ago in the far off land of Beverly Hills, when a certain heiress officially made tiny dogs into accessories.

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Meet Libby, a 2-year-old girl from Pennsylvania and her pet piglet, Pearl.

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In this Instagram age, pets are under more and more pressure to stay fit and trim.  How’s that picture of your cat in a pirate costume supposed to go viral if he can’t even fit into his costume? 

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J.K. Rowling does not approve of fans naming their pets after Harry Potter villains.

When a fan tweeted the famous author a photo of her new puppy, Bellatrix Lestrange, J.K. Rowling responded:  

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