7 Pets Rocking Shady Summer Styles

7 Pets Rocking Shady Summer Styles

Even pets like to look and stay cool during the summer. Here are 7 animals that have their summer looks on fleek:

1. Slow Burn From This Sun Bun


Call her Bunny Foo Foo again. I dare you.

2. Better Homes and Gardener


When tending to your catnip garden, the number one rule is don't sample the product! Then again, what's wrong with a little afternoon catnap on a hot summer day?

3. Bow-wow Wow!


Missy was determined to be the cutest pup at the block party barbeque. Or else.

4. Festival fan


Only fifteen more minutes until his favorite band, The Rolling Bones, play at Doggaroo!

5. Which Way to the Dude Ranch?


This cowpoke prefers to peck!

6. Furr!


Time to crush the back nine with that new driver.

7. Sun Cats


Call them old-fashioned, but these Pampered Pussies enjoy a cheery, floppy sun hat. Keeps the sun off their whiskers and makes a stunning fashion statement at the same time!

Who wore it best? Let us know on our Facebook page!

Image Sources:

Bunny Slippers

Attack of the Cute


Acorn Capture


Your Florida Home

The Hairpin


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