We thought human beings were the only animals capable of total dickery. These animal d-bags proved us wrong.

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Every dog is different. Every owner is, essentially, the same. They're all totally obsessed with their pets, and that obsession can manifest itself in funny ways.

Here are 7 weird things that every dog owner does, but will never admit to doing. It's okay, guys. This is a judgment-free zone.

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It might sound a little strange, but we've discovered 9 seal traits that prove they're the dogs of the deep.

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Going off to college is hard, especially when you're forced to leave behind those you love the most. We're referring to your pets, obviously. But why wait until Thanksgiving to see those big, soulful eyes again? Just hide your dog or cat in your dorm! Here are some how-to tips:

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6 Hookup Apps for Hounds... and You!

Have you been using your phone to find true love? If it isn't working, you may be using the wrong app.

Everybody knows that the truest love of all is between a person and their pet! With smart phones, a canine connection is now only a swipe away.

Here are 6 apps that'll help you and your dog go mobile.

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