Trend Alert: Catscaping For Summer is a THING!

Trend Alert: Catscaping For Summer is a THING!

Summer's here, and you know what that means—time to up your manscaping or ladyscaping game and prepare to strip down for the season!

Unfortunately, some pet freaks have taken overzealous grooming to the next level and to their beloved pussies. Catscaping is a thing, and it's making otherwise happy campers a bunch of sourpusses.

We interviewed a few cats fresh from the groomers:


"How do I like my summer haircut? Do I look amused? Sleep with one eye open is all I'm saying."


"Mom promised we would go for ice cream after. Oh man, did I fall for that line AGAIN?"


"I know you think this lion cub look is adorable, but just wait until I go all Simba on your ass."


"For the record, there's no such thing as a Himalayan lion. My owners will NOT be forgiven for their cultural insensitivity."


"I look like a freakin' clown! Nothing to do but drown my sorrows, so make mine a double with extra catnip."


"No, I will NOT smile for your damn picture."


"We'll get through this together. Don't look at them. They will rue the day they shamed us."


"One minute I was playing with my catnip ball, and the next I woke up here. Should I call my lawyer?


"What...? That's just my face. I actually don't mind the haircut that much."

Word to the wise: Cats actually have a natural mechanism of staying cool for summer – they shed, and the remaining fur deflects the sun from their skin. So keep your feline furry and skip the shave!

Photo Attributions:

Cats Around the Globe

Montreal Dog Blog

Pollo Player

Life With Jill Twitter Feed

Wet Canvas

Ha Ha, Stop




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