Blog posts tagged in Cute Cat Videos

We don't know what it is about watching cute animals getting the bejesus scared out of them, but one thing's's absolutely hilarious. Whether it's a mouse running from a cat or an elephant from a mouse, it makes us giddy to watch. Here are 11 of our fav moments.

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"I'm sorry, do you see a pillowcase on my shoulder?


That's probably because it's NOT YOUR PILLOW!"

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Bob and Dice each love fresh yogurt – who will win this competition of the container? Let's just say that Dice plays dirty, and Bob, bless his heart, isn't the sharpest claw on the paw.

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This cat has a message... and she dares you to look away. When you stare into her hypnotic eyes, and listen to her plaintive wails, you know that she is revealing some deep, primal insight into the meaning of life. Either that or she's wondering when her owner is going to stop talking over her, and listen to what she really wants to say: it's dinnertime.

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What do you think begging kitty wants – food? Milk? Money? A new car?! THE CROWN JEWELS?! YOUR FIRST BORN?

Whatever it is, please just give it to her. How can you resist?

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It's often said that animals can see things differently. Things that our weak human eyes can't pick up. Things that we can't even imagine.

Legend has it that if you stare into the reflection of the cat's eyes, you'll see how you die.

Just kidding!

Had you going for a second, though, huh?

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Ninja cats don't play... they just sneak up on you when you least expect it. Keep your eyes peeled for a little kitchen cabinet subterfuge...

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With their big eyes and round face, it's easy to see why Scottish Folds are the hot new cat breed. Mango does his breed justice as he adorably chills out around the house. What a life!

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If we had a beautiful cake in front of us, there is no WAY we'd be as well behaved as these festive felines. Maybe the pre-party warm-up included extra catnip?

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How many other classic games have this guy cat-i-fied? Is there a Skeeball game that uses balls of yarn? A game of Mousetrap that involves real mice? We'd feel sorry for the cats that get put in the ring for a rousing game of Hungry, Hungry Hippos...!

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