Human beings poop in their pants for many years until finally after boatloads of diapers and pull-ups, months trying to figure the mechanics out on a miniature pot, and zillions of accidents, they finally get the hang of using a toilet. This facile feline potty-shames us all.

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This video almost seems unfair to its viewers. How dare you put an adorable baby next to a precious bulldog and film them cuddling?! Whether you are female or not, upon viewing this video, your heart will burst with joy... and your ovaries (virtual or real) will explode into a million maternal pieces.

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Poor Sweet Pea is the Tantalus of the canine set. Is she being punished for stealing her master's food? Notice how the tantalizing scraps are placed PERFECTLY OUT OF REACH. Will she eat... or will she be destined to lead a hangry life?

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Ninja cats don't play... they just sneak up on you when you least expect it. Keep your eyes peeled for a little kitchen cabinet subterfuge...

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"Sure diamonds are nice, but let's get real about the best friend thing. Can a necklace lick your face and fetch the newspaper? Didn't think so..."

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