Blog posts tagged in Cute Pet Videos

These super-smart pets make housework fun!

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What's more fun than a barrel of monkeys?

A pool full of packing peanuts and frolicking ferrets!

Don't believe us? Just watch....

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How do you tell those big brown eyes that there is no food? That crack you just heard is your heart breaking.

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If the recipe calls for hair of the dog, then you're going to need another pup. Preferably one that actually has hair.

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Not only is the homemade ball pit by Ferretocious ingenious (a "butterfly keeper" and a bag of colorful balls from Target), but also the commentary is priceless. If you look away, it could be voiceover for a soft porn video. With ferrets, of course.

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Meet Lilly the Raccoon and Itty the Kitty, aka Catwoman and the Masked Bandit! Watch their epic battle for a green ball that might hold the fate of humanity OR perhaps just a little catnip. Though they say they're sworn enemies, their lingering clinches tell a different story – one that says love conquers all.

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Move over Ryan Gosling, there's a new smooth operator named Coco in town, and the fur is flying! Coco the Cockatoo spits mad game at a sweet little puss ironically named Lucky. At first, Lucky's like, "this is very experimental for me, I'm not sure if I'm totally feeling it." But Coco's all, "Shhh, girl. Let my sexy talon backrub do the talking." Add in the smooth sounds of Barry White, and you've got a very ... confusing video.

Hats off to you, Coco. Something tells us you were up all night to get Lucky.

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Unless you're an adorable little hedgehog with mad hula skillz, you probably weren't cool enough to be invited to the Tiny Hamster Tiki Party. This shindig had everything! Coconut smoothies, fresh-cut fruit, even a pu pu platter! Things may have gotten a little ... messy at the end, but that's how you know the party packed an authentic Polynesian punch!

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Bowie is a bad bird – and apparently, a lover of makeup (like his namesake) AND a hater of apologies. This Lutino India Ringneck sure is lucky that he can get away with whatever he wants just by telling his owner to smile. If Bowie were a person, he'd get socked in the jaw. Unless he were David Bowie. David Bowie is awesome.

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If you listen closely enough, you can hear Edgar Allan Poe rolling over in his grave...

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Move over, dogs—fetch is for foxes too! Playful six-month old Balto could chase his toys all day.

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This bird seems like the kind of bird we would have hung out with in high school, if birds went to high school. He perfectly hits the notes for the always-catchy Addams Family song, and then goes straight into the iconic Darth Vader's march. Hit us up at movie night, you crazy cockatiel! Let's teach you to sing some Lord of the Rings! Your human can come to -- I'm assuming he's somewhat responsible for your nerd education. It'll be a party! We'll bring the popcorn!

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According to the YouTuber who posted this video, "otters are ferrets on crack" and "you do not want a pet African clawless otter." OK, Debbie Downer – but can they do laundry? Sure looks that way – we'll take all the help we can get!

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We’re not really sure what’s so funny, but this pet cockatoo named Pebble isn’t holding anything back. Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with her—cockatoos are known for spazzing out on occasion! 

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This is like a retelling of the Tortoise and the Hare, but with a pug and a beagle. "Slow and steady wins the race" is a lesson that the (adorably) eager beagle could have learned. Watch as the pug patiently looks at his treat, calculating the exact ratio of distance, speed, and yumminess. Don't worry, little beagle! We're sure you'll get it next time.

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Jazzy's got some serious attitude, and we love it. So what if she was in the wrong? Look at her badass head throws! She gives literally zero f**ks. She's like, "Oh, I'm sorry, I was eating your table, and you're not happy about it? WELL EXCUSE THE HELL OUT OF ME."

Best moments: when Jazzy puffs up her entire body and looks like she's wearing a Lady Gaga designer outfit. And kudos to her human Donna for not taking her sass -- tables, after all, are not for eating. Sometimes you just have to reason with your cockatoos, folks.

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Is there anything cuter than a mini-pig? Yes. A mini-pig adorably struggling against physics and gravity to wriggle his way into a kiddie pool. Go ahead – pour yourself a cool glass of lemonade, sit outside in the shade, and watch this video on repeat. Hamlet the mini-pig is precious, tenacious, and well-accessorized. And a cool drink of water on a hot summer's day!

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We here at Freak4MyPet are lovers of all animals, big or small, furry or feathery. But when the African Grey named Red told the squawking cockatoo, Gabby, to SHUT UP – in no uncertain terms and repeatedly using the one cuss word he knew – we applauded. Or at least chirped with glee.

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What do you think begging kitty wants – food? Milk? Money? A new car?! THE CROWN JEWELS?! YOUR FIRST BORN?

Whatever it is, please just give it to her. How can you resist?

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For all those haters that think cats are just persnickety mean girls, we bring you a minute long video of a cat cuddling with her toy to prove that you are WRONG!

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