Did you know that domesticated skunks have actually been bred in captivity for over 60 years AND that in 17 states it's legal (if not a bit stinky), to own one?

Here are some things you should know if you're thinking about adopting one of these putrid, yet precious, pets:

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It's a scorchin' summer, and we take pity on our furry friends as they do their best to beat the heat. Still, we love hot pet looks for summer – so here are some more of our faves!

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 When you live in a small space, having a pet may seem out of reach. But before you dash those big dreams of yours, check out these miniature animals that will warm your heart and expand your pet horizons.

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If you could spend your days hanging out with friends and family in a super mellow, stress-free state, as cute as can be but with a name that makes you sound fiercer than you really are, wouldn't life be perfect?

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Johnny Depp once said, "The only creatures evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants." Put them together? See if you can even stand it.

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