Pit bulls are perhaps the most misunderstood breed, with a bad rap for being overly aggressive. They were originally bred to be fighters—of bears, bulls, and other dogs—and when they fall victim to irresponsible ownership, they act out. Now, many cities across the country are trying to enforce pit bull bans. When properly trained and cared for, however, pit bulls can be loyal and loving companions.

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When she was just a baby, 5-year-old Alida Knobloch was diagnosed with an extremely rare lung disease. Luckily, Alida has Mr. Gibbs to help her!

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Eating dog food might sound like a punishment, but for a select few, it's a way of life. In light of recent pet food recalls, health conscious pet food companies have taken to hiring professional taste testers to ensure a quality standard.

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Lush is a British cosmetics company that makes natural vegan products like glitter infused bath bombs and sweet smelling shampoo. The company is firmly against animal testing, so they've rightly been beloved by animal rights activists for the last twenty years.

 Lush 1

Image Source: The Guardian

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We’ve been patiently awaiting George R.R. Martin’s next installment of his fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire, but that’s not the only worthy pursuit that’s been taking up his time. Martin made headlines last year when he ran a contest promising to award the three top donors to his charities their own custom death in his book series.

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