10 Resolutions All Pets Should Make This New Year
by Pet Freak
1. I will stop peeing on the carpet.

Image source: Pinterest
2. I will stop eating human food that is not offered to me. And I will then stop vomiting it up.
Image source: The Vet Practice
3. I will suck it up during bath time.

Image source: Pinterest
4. I will bare my teeth nicely when it's time to brush.

Image source: AJU Photography on Flickr
5. I will stop chasing the neighborhood squirrels.

Image source: Instagram
6. I will try to become friends with the cat next door.

Image source: 123 Animaux
7. I will stop guilting my owner so much for leaving me at home while she runs errands.

Image source: Stanton Sunshine
8. I will try to only chew on my toys.

Image source: Dog Training Hall
9. I will not try to run away when I hear the word "vet."

Image source: Commons
10. will work on my 'playing dead' technique to stop tongue-wagging and tail-wiggling.

Image source: Dog Time