Blog posts tagged in funny dog videos

We don't know what it is about watching cute animals getting the bejesus scared out of them, but one thing's's absolutely hilarious. Whether it's a mouse running from a cat or an elephant from a mouse, it makes us giddy to watch. Here are 11 of our fav moments.

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How do you tell those big brown eyes that there is no food? That crack you just heard is your heart breaking.

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If the recipe calls for hair of the dog, then you're going to need another pup. Preferably one that actually has hair.

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Just click play and you’ll see…

Must. Look. Away.

Eyes. Too. Big.

Can’t. Move.

Must. Give. In.

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Nobody ever accused Fido of being humble....

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Vinny's no swan, but his glorious tour de force, set to an arrangement written exclusively for him, is absolutely epic. His partner is a charismatic ball-erina. Hold me closer, Tiny Dancer, this open field...

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Not your typical reunion video...we all know that crime doesn't pay, especially when it separates man from his best friend! Watch Dave reunite with his beloved pup Buzz Lightyear after being released from prison.

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This Boston Terrier is more like a Boston Terror! And the Bernese mountain dog is just praying for Jesus to take the wheel – you can see it in his eyes.

In the end, they're still best friends. Even if that terrier is lucky he still has a tail!

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From the moment that tubby little bulldog army-crawled his way towards the bull pen, you can practically hear a children's story being feverishly typed out somewhere. The Swedish bulldog, named Manfred, either sneakily covered himself with honey, or he's clearly the Chosen One of the Bulls. Can you imagine the movie (based on the soon-to-be-written children's book) where a herd of bulls follows a waddling bulldog around and they all get into adventures? #BestMovieEver

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Roommates beware: Snowy don't play. And by the way, when he blinks at you, don't take it as a sign he's just messing – little man means business..

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This video is a total mind job. At first you think Doug the Pug is adorable with his cute little balloon twin. Later, you realize that the bigger ham is the one that's full of hot air. By the end it's impossible to tell which one is sweeter.

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Meet Marnie, a rescue dog who was adopted at the age of ten with a tongue as big as her personality. Watch as she frolics through the Swedish furniture megastore, never once looking panicked, confused, or lost like literally every human who's ever gone to an IKEA. Yes, her self-confidence is inspiring... but tell me, can Marnie assemble a Grundtal/Norrviken table without hiring a handyman? If so, we need to celebrate with MEATBALLS FOR EVERYONE

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Poor Sweet Pea is the Tantalus of the canine set. Is she being punished for stealing her master's food? Notice how the tantalizing scraps are placed PERFECTLY OUT OF REACH. Will she eat... or will she be destined to lead a hangry life?

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More inspiring than a Rocky montage. this video will make you stand up and cheer these pups on. Somewhere in the background, "Gonna Fly Now", plays, and bulldog babies take their very first steps.

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Holy Snowball, Batman – this feisty greyhound is just what we needed to warm our hearts and save us from a cold winter's day.

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