Blog posts tagged in famous animals

It's no question that it's doggone hard to make it to Broadway. But when a musical calls for a mutt, these four-legged thespians work like, uhm, dogs to deliver a-paws worthy performances.

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We’ve already put a spotlight on animals who’ve walked the red carpet… 

…but these following animal actors straight up deserve an award. They’ve all appeared in multiple roles, making them versatile A-list stars. 

Here are 9 of our favorite animal actors who are more than one trick ponies:

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They say that you can’t take it with you, so some pet lover’s are leaving it all…to their pets! And by some, we mean a lot. There are over a million wills in the U.S. alone that mention animal beneficiaries. 

So if you ever need a loan, consider giving out belly rubs to the 9 richest animals in the world. 

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So you’re not exactly a dog person. Or a cat person. Or a fish, turtle, rabbit, hamster, snake, bird, or even tarantula person! But that still doesn’t mean you can’t ever find your animal soul mate. If you’re looking to adopt an unconventional pet, why not consider one of the creatures populating the incredible world of Dr. Seuss?!

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They say that people tend to resemble their pets. How many times have you seen a woman with a perm that looks just like her poodle? Or a droopy-faced guy walking his bulldog? Doggie Doubles are everywhere.

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