All for Onesies! 13 Adorable Pets in Pajamas

All for Onesies! 13 Adorable Pets in Pajamas

Wishing you could go back to bed and stay in your pajamas all day? Well, these pets are living that dream, relaxing in their snuggly onesies and looking adorable while doing it.

Here are 13 comfortable creatures taking the day off to lounge in their pajamas:

1. Let Sleeping Dogs CUDDLE


Image Source: Pinterest

These French bulldogs prove that pajama time is also snuggle time!

2. He's The Cat's Pajamas!


Image Source: The Very Best Stop

"Mom, will you read me a bedtime story? The one about the mouse and the cookie?"

3. Pajama Party


Image Source: Cutest Paw

This precious pug is all ready for the slumber party... about 5 hours too early!

4. Slumbering Sloth


Image Source: Pinterest

Sloths have a lazy reputation, so it's no wonder this guy hasn't gotten dressed yet!

5. Day Dreaming Dogs


Image Source: Twitter

These fur balls are covered in fleece and ready to snooze the day away.

6. Sleeping Beauty


Image Source: Handicapped Pets

If you were a hairless cat, you'd be wearing pajamas too.

7. Golden Slumbers


Image Source:

This cutie is trying to look cool for his overnight guest.

8. Horse of a Different... Pajama?


Image Source: Buzzfeed

Ever since this horse started college, she's been wearing her pajamas EVERYWHERE.

9. Sweet Smelling Dreams


Image Source: UK Daily Mail

Even skunks deserve to nap in style.

10. Those Puppy Dog Eyes...


Image Source: Huffington Post

Are getting very sleepy.

11. Piggy in the Middle...


Iage Source: Daily Piggie Tumblr

...of a pile of pillows and blankets!

Don't these pajama-wearing pets make you want to take a trip to the land of nod? May your dreams be filled with adorable animals in need of a cuddle!


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