Weep of the Week: Dogs Reuniting With Their Soldier-Owners

Weep of the Week: Dogs Reuniting With Their Soldier-Owners

Let's face it— Humans are great, but it's the pets that we really miss when we're away! So turn up the volume and get some tissues, because things are about to get real emotional.

1. Kodiak here is just so overwhelmed!

2. After two years, this hound's reaction to seeing her owner again is priceless.

3. This soldier has not one, but two dogs losing their minds for him!

4. And this soldier has three!

5. Being outnumbered is one thing, but big dogs add a whole different kind of challenge.

6. This dog literally pees himself with joy!

7. And this Golden Retriever can't hold back the tears...

There's nothing like knowing someone really cares about you. Hug your dog today!


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