On March 1st, this great country celebrated National Pig Day. The holiday is mostly observed in the Midwest with “pig parties” where revelers tie pink curly tails to trees, and sip pink piggy punch. 

If you couldn’t make it to this year’s big pig parade, don’t panic. We’ve found 13 perfect pigs for you to ogle over so you can participate in National Pig Day right at your desk. 

Here are 13 pigs we’re hog-wild about: 

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How many times has a cute creature kept you from changing channels during a commercial? It is a proven fact that pet lovers will be 1,000 times more likely to be interested in an ad that features an adorable animal. (Someone should tell Don Draper.) 

Here are 9 of our favorite all-time animal ad-men and women.

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Miss P, a 4-year-old Beagle, was named “Best in Show” at this year’s Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. 

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You made that New Year’s resolution not that long ago and you’ve only been to the gym once. But your dog has become a regular at doga (dog yoga) and he’s starting to look good.  

And he’s not the only pooch who’s been hitting the gym.  We found 11 dogs that are in way better shape than you, puny human. 

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Are you a “cat person” but not a cat owner? Hey, we get it! Ownership entails responsibility, and not everybody has time to care for a pet. Or maybe you’ve been waiting for the right time (or the right furball)? Whatever your situation, there’s a feline phenomenon you need to know about: cat cafés.

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