by artPause (Michael Tompsett)
Including all the catinents!
by artPause (Michael Tompsett)
Including all the catinents!
by happybearprints (Steffen Pedersen)
It doesn't take glasses to look purrfect!
Halloween + Cats = why not year round?
It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for. You can now put a cat named after a spice on everything you own!
Can you believe a guarantee of instant nightmares is only $10 bucks?
In the seller's own words: "Tired of your cat being a little turd? Then give your cat a little turd."
Kitty Perry.
The artist says, "Hannibal Lecter was initially a little disappointed as his restraints put a serious damper on his ability to pet all the cats. Luckily though, his straightjacket seems to be a perfect hammock for cuddlin' some kitties."
Furbie’s ugly sister takes the form of a haunted cat teddy bear.
Yet another way the Internet has come up for you to wear your cat-lady-ness on your body.
A custom Ghost Memorial Kitty for all your Ghost Memorial Kitty needs.
Show your guests how classy you really are.
1994. Vintage. But cuter than ever.
A stunning example of the intersection of fashion, cats, and WTF?
The woman who said she was a crazy cat lady and actually meant it.
by PortableArtPinsPortableArtPins
If this existential cat isn’t a viral meme already, it needs to become one ASAP.
Frodo fans, Vengeance is Yours!