Did you know that domesticated skunks have actually been bred in captivity for over 60 years AND that in 17 states it's legal (if not a bit stinky), to own one?
Here are some things you should know if you're thinking about adopting one of these putrid, yet precious, pets:
On March 1st, this great country celebrated National Pig Day. The holiday is mostly observed in the Midwest with “pig parties” where revelers tie pink curly tails to trees, and sip pink piggy punch.
If you couldn’t make it to this year’s big pig parade, don’t panic. We’ve found 13 perfect pigs for you to ogle over so you can participate in National Pig Day right at your desk.
The title “Man’s Best Friend” is usually reserved for dogs, but that doesn’t mean they have the market cornered on service animals. Here are 9 other companions who are indispensable aids to their owners—no woofing required.